Solar Eclipse of 2017 Aug. 21 Sun in Partial Eclipse at this Location Delta T: 69.4s Philadelphia, PA Area Location: W 75°00'00.0", N40°00'00.0", 10m (Longitude referred to Greenwich meridian) Sun's Position Vertex EDT Altitude Azimuth Angle Angle d h m s ° ° ° ° Eclipse Begins 21 01:21:33.4 pm 61.6 189.6 281.3 273.9 Maximum Eclipse 21 02:44:28.6 pm 54.0 225.6 Eclipse Ends 21 04:01:20.3 pm 41.7 247.1 126.1 80.1 Duration: 2h 39m 47.0s Magnitude: 0.797 Obscuration: 75.0% Prepared with the U.S. Naval Observatory's MICA Version 2.2.2 software.