Willingboro Astronomical Society  www.wasociety.us

Welcome to the Official Home Page of the Willingboro Astronomical Society. Our club is in its 48th year of serving both the public and the amateur astronomers of the Delaware Valley. We have a long history of public education, star parties, interesting meetings, in-depth training and experienced leadership. We are a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.



Vice President:



Drew Maser

Jerry Lodriguss

Jim Foy

Joe Stieber


Announcements   Last Update: Friday, September 18, 2015

Sept 18 Informal Meeting, 7:30 pm in Resurrection Catholic School at Christ Our Light Church on Kings Highway (Rt 41) in Cherry Hill, NJ. As is the case with all our meetings, guests are welcome and no prior astronomical experience is necessary. Click here for directions.
Sept 19 Public Star Watch at Batsto Village in Wharton State Forest, NJ. Check back for the weather call on the 19th.
Sept 23 Equinox at 4:21 am EDT. Autumn begins for the Northern Hemisphere.
Sept 27 Full Moon at 10:51 pm EDT. There will be a total lunar eclipse, which will be well placed for viewing from the Philadelphia area. First umbral contact is at 9:07 pm, totality begins at 10:11 pm, maximum eclipse is at 10:47 pm, totality ends at 11:23 pm, and last umbral contact is at 12:27 pm. The moon will be in Pisces.
Oct 2 Formal Meeting, 7:30 pm in Resurrection Catholic School on Kings Highway (Rt 41) in Cherry Hill, NJ.
Oct 12 New Moon at 8:06 pm EDT.

Photo Spotlight   Images posted 8.24.2015

Club member Jerry Lodriguss captured these Perseid Meteors on the morning of August 13, 2013, the peak of the annual Perseid Meteor Shower. This is a composite of multiple frames taken with several different cameras and lenses, click here for more details. Mouseover for labels.

Click here for the previous home page image.





In Association with Amazon.com

Remember to make your Amazon.com purchases through this link --  the club receives a small commission on each purchase and there's no cost to you!


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