Willingboro Astronomical Society  www.wasociety.us

Welcome to the Official Home Page of the Willingboro Astronomical Society. Our club is in its 48th year of serving both the public and the amateur astronomers of the Delaware Valley. We have a long history of public education, star parties, interesting meetings, in-depth training and experienced leadership. We are a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.



Vice President:



Drew Maser

Jerry Lodriguss

Jim Foy

Joe Stieber


Announcements   Last Update: Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Nov 20 Informal Meeting, 7:30 pm in Resurrection Catholic School at Christ Our Light Church on Kings Highway (Rt 41) in Cherry Hill, NJ. As is the case with all our meetings, guests are welcome and no prior astronomical experience is necessary. Click here for directions.
Nov 25 Full Moon at 5:44 pm EST.
Dec 4 Formal Meeting, 7:30 pm in Resurrection Catholic School on Kings Highway (Rt 41) in Cherry Hill, NJ. As is the case with all our meetings, guests are welcome and no prior astronomical experience is necessary. Click here for directions.
Dec 11 New Moon at 5:29 am EST.

Photo Spotlight   Image posted 11.3.2015

Club member Russell King captured this image of the closely-grouped planets Venus, Jupiter and Mars from Neptune, NJ, on the morning of October 23, 2015 (mouseover for labels). Taken with a Canon XSi digital SLR camera and a Canon 55-300 mm zoom lens set to 105 mm focal length. Exposed 3 seconds at f/4.5, ISO 1600. Click here for more.

Venus and Mars are at conjunction this morning (November 3rd), and are drifting eastward from Jupiter, but the trio is still a wonderful sight in the east before sunrise. On Saturday morning (November 7th), Venus and Mars will be joined by the thin crescent moon, forming an near-equilateral triangle about 2° on a side. For observers on an 10 km wide path in western South Jersey (and running northeast towards Sandy Hook), the International Space Station will transit the moon about 4:44 am EST. Here's a clip of a CalSky map of the centerline across New Jersey generated on November 5th. The timeline runs from the southwest to the northeast (bottom-left to the upper-right) with markers on the line at 2-second intervals, and in western South Jersey, it is running roughly along I-295 and the Turnpike. Be sure to check CalSky shortly before the transit as the path might shift slightly due to small fluctuations in the ISS orbit. You'll also need to magnify a live map to find a suitable observing location along the transit line. Unfortunately, the weather forecast as of today (Thursday, November 5th) doesn't look favorable for Saturday (November 7th).

 Click here for the previous home page image.





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Remember to make your Amazon.com purchases through this link --  the club receives a small commission on each purchase and there's no cost to you!


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