West Jersey Astronomical Society  www.wasociety.us

Welcome to the Official Home Page of the West Jersey Astronomical Society (formerly known as the Willingboro Astronomical Society). Our club is in its 49th year of serving both the public and the amateur astronomers of the Delaware Valley. We have a long history of public education, star parties, interesting meetings, in-depth training and experienced leadership. We are a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Click here for membership information (dues can now be paid through PayPal).



Vice President:



 Roger Cowley

Bernie Kosher

Dave Neunheuser

Wade Evans


Announcements   Last Update: Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Aug 11 The Perseid Meteor Shower peaks tonight, August 11/12 (mainly in the early morning of the 12th). More from Sky & Telescope and the American Meteor Society. Here's some advice on taking meteor pictures.
Aug 18 Full Moon at 5:27 am EDT, in eastern Capricornus.
Aug 19 Formal Meeting, 7:30 pm at the Virtua Health and Wellness Center in Moorestown, NJ. As always, guests are welcome and no astronomical experience is necessary. Use the Main Entrance and check with the security guard who will direct you to the conference room. Click here for the minutes of the August 5 meeting.
Aug 27 The bright planets Jupiter and Venus will reach conjunction in geocentric right ascension at 5:48 pm EDT (roughly two hours before sunset at 7:38 pm) and will be at their closest appulse, about 4 arc minutes apart, at 6:32 pm for observers in the Philadelphia area. The planets set at 8:36 pm, so this will be an observing challenge and opportunity before and after sunset. More details here.
Sept 1 New Moon at 5:03 am EDT, in Leo.
Sept 2 Informal Meeting, 7:30 pm at the Virtua Health and Wellness Center in Moorestown, NJ.
Sept 10 Public Star Watch at Batsto Village, the full schedule of Public Star Watches for 2016 is available here.

Photo Spotlight   Image posted 08.06.2016

The planet Jupiter and the three-day-old, 11% illuminated Crescent Moon were only 2° apart in the evening twilight on August 5, 2016, when this image of them was captured at 8:54 pm EDT by club member Joe Stieber. Taken from the parking lot of the WAS meeting site in Moorestown, NJ, with a Canon 6D digital SLR camera on a fixed tripod and a Sigma 70 to 300 mm, f/4-5.6 apo zoom lens set to 300 mm focal length, then cropped to a field about 4.7° wide x 3.6° high. Exposed 1/20 second at f/5.6, ISO 12,800.


Click here for the previous home page image.


Click to contact the . Members are encouraged to submit their astronomical images to the webmaster for inclusion on the WAS Home Page. Be sure to include a description, date and time, as well as equipment and photo data.