West Jersey Astronomical Society  Last updated 5.18.2024

 A collection of miscellaneous useful items.

Clear Sky Charts Short range, astronomically useful weather forecasts for popular local observing locations.
Stellarium Free planetarium software for Linux, Mac and Windows.
Bob King Explore the Night with Bob King at Sky & Telescope.
Telrad Charts 1 Star charts with Telrad circles overlaying the Messier objects, option 1.
Telrad Charts 2 Star charts with Telrad circles overlaying the Messier objects, option 2.
Messier Log A sequential log designed for the spring Messier Marathon (but it can be used any time of the year). Download the free monthly "Evening Sky Map."
Heavens-Above Predictions for satellites, such as the ISS and Iridium flares (you need to set your location!).
Transit Finder Predictions for ISS & CSS solar and lunar transits.
Spaceweather News and information about the the Sun-Earth environment.
South Jersey Sites GPS coordinates of selected Southern Jersey Observing sites.
Celestial Calendar NASA-JPL / NSN celestial calendar.
International Dark
Sky Association
An organization dedicated to combating light pollution.
Adobe Reader The freely available reader for PDF documents.